Working together towards powerful and lasting change.

Whatever our background or circumstance, we all deserve to feel at ease with who we are, excited about what we’re working towards and at peace with who we are working with. Using a blend of therapeutic and coaching techniques, I help my clients build positive relationships with themselves and with others, both personally and professionally.

The results are powerful. I help my clients gain a sense of connectivity with themselves and their teams, giving them the tools they need to unlock enthusiasm and excitement about their lives and what lays ahead.


For you, your teams, in person or online.

121 coaching

I carry out 121 coaching in person (location dependent) and on zoom. We get the ball rolling with a chemistry session on zoom, to check we’re a great fit and to agree a path forward. Each session is typically 60 minutes. Sessions can be paid for individually or in a bundle.

Check out my packages page for current coaching offers.

    • Help with self-limiting behaviours, stress, addiction

    • Strength and motivation to find direction

    • Optional personality profiling

    • Complete confidentiality

    • Therapeutic counseling

    • Goal oriented coaching

    • Value driven planning

    • A safe pair of hands

    • They have long term behaviours that don't serve them

    • They feel disconnected from themselves

    • They are ready for positive change

    • They're struggling with addiction

    • Free from old serving habits that prohibit growth

    • More confident and more capable

    • Peace and personal approval

    • Inspired and alive

Business coaching

Working on-site or in beautiful and peaceful independent settings, I work with clients in a myriad of ways designed to stimulate creative positivity and powerful growth. Follow up sessions are offered in person, or via zoom for ongoing support.

Check out my packages page for current corporate offers.

    • Help with cultural stagnancy or workplace toxicity

    • Support to understand and improve dynamics 

    • Optional team personality profiling

    • Insight on effective teams at work

    • Commercially astute guidance

    • Strategic focused planning

    • Goal oriented coaching 

    • A safe pair of hands

    • They have communication challenges

    • They want to create a growth mindset

    • There is misalignment in perspectives

    • There is a desire to change culture

    • A deeper understanding for themselves and each other

    • A toolkit of techniques to build on

    • A sense of readiness for change

    • A sense of mutual respect

Away days

This is all about you. About stepping away from the day to day and creating space, to listen, discover, learn and grow. These away days can be purchased in isolation or as part of an ongoing investment in a coaching programme.

Check out my packages page for current offers.

    • Guided journey over the course of a single day

    • Beautiful and peaceful surroundings

    • A blend of insight and coaching

    • A chance to reset and unwind

    • Personal attention and care

    • Space to unplug and reset

    • Complete confidentiality

    • A safe pair of hands

  • "I didn’t expect to feel such a benefit from the time out as I did. It took stepping away from my day to day, with Sean’s guidance and wisdom, to help me see what I couldn’t appreciate from the inside out."

  • "I left the session a changed person. No really. I am not going back to habits that don’t serve me. I see with crystal clarity what I need to do to carve out the future I want. I am so grateful to Sean for the magical pause and wisdom he poured into the day."